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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Are you a "Life Boat Person"?

Consider this.....if your personality makes you more beautiful it can also suck the pretty right off your face. I know several outwardly beautiful people that after you start talking to them  everything crashes and burns. Someone told me once that you are either a "life boat person" or not. I inquired into her meaning and she explained....."If you're sitting in a life boat are the people around you going to ensure your safety or their own?" That gave me pause. Am I a life boat person? Are you? When you are in a group of people do you consider their comfort and allow courtsey for their feelings? When you see someone fall down do you immediately reach out and offer help? If someone you don't know is crying do you put an arm around and stand with them? This one is the clencher....when adjusting your seat on an airplane do you look back to make sure you aren't inconveniencing the person behind you? These things make you less or more beautiful in the world. People don't know that beauty is what they are witnessing because the sick and twisted world of superficiality has trained us like Pavlovian dogs to equate beauty with an outward appearance. There is a learned up and down take just as a person approaches, and judgement immediately ensues. Could we take a little more time and maybe get words in.....maybe converse.  I love starting conversations with anyone I happen to sit next to. My husband has finally stopped asking how I know the person because I usually don't. I am never disappointed and always pleasantly surprised at the amazing people in all types of clothes, shapes, sizes, and the like. I can not say that I am not taken in by the same Pavlovian conditioning as sometimes I find myself wondering "Did you look in the mirror before exiting the building?" However even if that same belly pierced, rolls hanging over, thong revealing, worthy of the Walmart Hall of Shame person was sitting next to me I would start the conversation. I don't think it hurts to talk and let the conditioning start to change to open wonder of how different and wonderful we all are.


  1. I have found that it is easy to get wrapped up in my life and my family. Thank you for giving me some food for thought.

    1. You are welcome and thanks. I too get wrapped up!
