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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Watch you words

There appears to be a new insidious twist on interactions between we humans. I believe that some of us are innately good and want to make the world around us a better place at least for ourselves. You might say we are selfish but in a way that has a "butterfly effect" that extends to the greater good. I have come to realize, however, that there are a number of people bent on changing the good for that which only appears to be good. There has been an influx calling for more positivity. People are tired of the constant barrage of negative attacks, discouraging posts, demeaning claims. Understandably so. We are not structured as humans to function at our potential when the medium is so toxic. 

Everywhere you look you might be seeing more positive posts, people encouraging others to stand taller, speak softer, lift those around them. That is hopeful but there are those using this same vehicle to force their agenda all the while pulling those they have relegated to the opposing side down. Change is not something we all relish. It is something that is constant and evolving and some would argue that to accomplish change limits must be pushed and even trampled. I would say no.

Case in point, political disagreement. My first employer noted wisely that one should never discuss politics, religion, or money in polite conversation. That notion has been unscrupulously thrown out the window with the advent of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.., There is nothing on the table that cannot be discussed and "polite conversation" has been murdered. Do not misunderstand. I revel in a lively discussion but the moment base tactics of demoralization are employed I'm out. I might try appealing to my discusees   sense of conscience. I might try using logic or commonality, but should that fail I will end it. The moment you must employee name calling, belittling or personal attacks you have already lost the battle anyway. It exposes your true motive for conversation which is to elevate yourself while thrusting those around you into assigned seats of subordination.

This is particularly true in relation to events of the day. I take no stand on social issues per say as long as they do not break the law or harm others. What you choose to do with your private time is your freedom of choice and I afford that to all as I expect it for myself. That being said, to attack another because they don't see your cause as acceptable is ludicrous but that is exactly what is happening in our current political forum. Whether it is gay marriage, gun rights, healthcare; those who oppose the current push are demonized. Yes demonized for the opinion that they have every right to hold, practice, and do so without punishment. You can choose to be befuddled and even outraged but choosing to attack only engenders hate and discord. I find that extremely interesting because the very people so ready on the attack are very much opposed to war. They were the same people screaming out against the wars of our recent past and present. Do you not understand that these wars did not occur on the grand scale to start. They began with the very menacing speech we employ each day with one another whether in person, email, or social media.

I remember in the 6th grade we all stood to say the Pledge of Allegiance. I was so put out by the student who refused to stand. In my mind he should stand out of gratitude alone for the very country that allowed him the freedom to practice this religion which told him not to salute the flag. I was outraged. I never mentioned this because at the same time I was reminded that he was exercising his right to freedom of religion, one of the foundational building blocks of our country. It gave me a sense of peace knowing that I was not being cheated because he was free. We were both free to exercise the very existence guaranteed everyone who lives in this country.

Summarily, it is the very choices we make to approach each situation with the attitude required in the "Golden Rule" that will create the lasting and "good" change we all crave. What is good for you must also be good for the other whether they stand on the same side with you or not and your words are where it begins.

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