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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snow Day

It sucks to be older....well I guess 37 isn't really older but it's getting there. Today I can't seem to use my body enough. We awoke to 2 feet of snow and unfortunately this is too early for such a gift. The leaves haven't fallen off the trees so many branches were broken or on their way. We spent the first 2 hours climbing trees to shake the snow off and save the beloved folage. With that done we turned to snow ball fights and later found an amazing hill to sled to our possible death. The time with my kids and actively participating left my back hurting and me walking slower but I just couldn't get enough. It was like time wouldn't stop and I had to keep the pace or wither and everyone knows I do NOT wither. I may be hurting but my mind is so satisfied with the experiences of the last 24 hours. Kids are smiling not realizing that I won't be walking tomorrow but I don't even care because we loved every minute of today!  It was so alive....the moment, the time, the people. Hard to explain but so worth the breath I took each second. This day is spent and I can look back knowing I spent it well. I guess I subscribe to the idea that my body is a gift that needs to be used and used well. As my children, family, or anyone who knows me will attest I hate wasting. I will use it up and that goes for the very frame that carries the spirit within. Life is meant to be lived and I'm doing it regardless of what my back is screaming.

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