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Sunday, October 7, 2012


I have been a mother and a wife for the past 18 years. During the course of this time I have sacrificed and cared for 4 other people. Recently my husband had his ankle fused and was rendered an invalid. I realized that caring for people in a natural state of good health is quite different than those who are uncooperative patients. This is why I did not go into nursing even though everyone suggested and encouraged it. I am not compassionate enough to care for people beyond meeting their needs and making sure they are comfortable. I won't be sitting next to your bed, caressing your face our talking in baby talk. I am a "git er' done" kind of girl. This experience coupled with having my mother-in-law shadow me gave me pause. Suddenly long term care facilities looked pretty good. I'm not saying I will shove my hubby in there should he become needy but if we are both old it might have to be a possibility. Thankfully by that time his mother will be gone and I won't have a nagging shadow but the idea of not being prepared for such an event kind of jarred me. I will now be thinking prepartory.I will also be making sure that I will be cared for. Unlike my hubby I become docile and easy when down for the count so I hope my children will be willing to help me out because it's a surety that Keith will not.

1 comment:

  1. Thats where you are wrong. I would have been there for you, unfortunately you simply did not know me
