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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Living in the gutter

Has anyone else noticed the masses of people screaming at the top of their lungs for change? I am assuming they are calling for the change that betters the world and if you were thinking the same then we are both naïve fools. Don't get me wrong, they want the world better in most instances but the method of operations is the downfall. Recently I was scrolling through my Facebook page and came upon a video depicting little girls with potty mouths. I would love to discuss the purpose of the video as their guttural language was not the point, but sadly I couldn't even finish watching the video. Even more sad is that the point was missed (which my colleague sarcastically pointed out) as boards were filled with outrage at the use of children to proliferate information in such an offensive way. Unfortunately he stands with the group of people that espouse the idea that getting attention drawn to issues must be done with shock and horror to get anything accomplished.
It is human instinct to push back. If someone pushes up against you reflexively you push back. This is not only found in physical interaction but language as well. Take the scenario of a large group of people gathered for a meeting. As they mill about there is conversing and socializing that sometimes is difficult to reign in due to sound. The person at the front of the room takes to the podium and tries to get their attention by calling out. A few people take their seats and look forward. Still the room is too loud and the podium calls out again "Ladies and gentlemen, take your seats please". This is only partly effective as most of the room still cannot hear. There are 2 options. Scream out "SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!" or have someone create a non violent distraction such as flipping the light switch or blowing a whistle. You noticed I said "non violent"? The first option is a violent use of the language to achieve silence. "How?" you might ask? Well let us view the reaction. People immediately flinch and turn toward the podium. Some start to take their seats while others remain standing shocked at the address. Both groups are in fight stance as they have just been challenged. This is no different than calling out an obscenity about "Yo mamma". The reaction is the same, shock and anger. All brain activity has been halted in an effort to decide how to react. Some are vocal enough to state their dismay while others have now decided that they are not staying. They stand to leave and a new sound emerges from the crowd. Outrage. All efforts to get quiet are lost and the group is louder than before the issue was stated.
Option #2 yields quite a different result. With the flip of the switch or blow of the whistle people are now turning their attention to the source in an effort to see what is happening. Anger and outrage are absent because people are curious at the turn of events. They are actually very open to the podium and many even start shushing their fellow attendees. Several are now seated and as the podium begins to speak the rest take their seats with attention focused forward. Quite a different outcome and the people are actually ready to receive information rather than mulling over what they will be reporting to their superiors about the abrupt command issued for those who even bothered to stay for the meeting. So it is with this ad. So it is it seems with the group of people who think that this form of communication aids their cause or brings about any kind of positive change. In math we learn that 2 positives yield a positive while a positive and negative always yield a negative. I can understand the feeling of frustration in this world where people seem to be at odds in every direction. Even our own government is stalemating because communication has been denigrated. There is a desire to bring to light relevant issues that need attention and fixing but methods matter. The method here did not bring about the desired attention to necessary issues but rather an outrage which lost many valid peoples attention who might have served the cause effectively.
Even more disturbing was the idea that using small children would somehow get a positive result. This has been a prevailing idea for the past while and one that needs immediate attention as the issues it creates are pressing. Through these efforts we are teaching are children that only by throwing a tantrum  with every uncontrolled human emotion can you get your voice heard. How many of you actually pay attention to what your screaming child is saying? I would venture not many as we parents want our children to calm down and explain the problem so we can communicate together to create a resolution. This skill is something that will aid them in society in all the venues they will encounter. We even say things like "Use your words, not your hands" to keep children from acting out. In case anyone was curious language is also capable of abuse. It's sometimes the verbal abuse that cuts deeper than the physical, so why would the maker's of these videos think it would be beneficial to any child to learn that vulgar and abusive language has a place in civil society? Why would we not be RUNNING the other direction in an effort to give our children the skills necessary to communicate intelligently and with strength devoid of the gutter. It would seem obvious that if you spend time in the gutter foraging for answers you will unavoidably come out dirty. Why is that the desired outcome? I thought we were trying to make the world a BETTER place? I don't even want to consider the thoughts rolling through those little girls heads. I'm sure we can speculate both ways but ultimately they have learned that you do not have to rise above bad situations and that vulgarity is a tool that you can use when people are not listening the way you want them to. Don't strain you brain to come up with a solution that will enhance your listeners or even make them want to listen. Go straight to the gutter and start throwing mud because in the end getting attention at any cost is worth it......oh wait, maybe it's not.

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